Sunday 10 July 2022

AK47 Republic - Objective Markers Part 9: Supply Dump

 For my supply dump objective marker, I had originally planned to cut some wooden dowels to size and cover with a PVA soaked baby wipe as a tarpaulin.  I even got as far as getting the wooden dowel, a tiny bit smaller in diameter than I wanted but it would have looked OK under the tarpaulin.  Unfortunately I ran out of time due to the rest of the family getting ill.

The original plan

I added 4 stacks of 3D printed fuel drums to create the supply dump.

Supply dump.

Some tufts of moss off a brick in the garden were used for larger plants to help hide the bases of the fuel drums.

Trees base detail - cat litter pellet "bark" etc.

Although the end result looks fairly good, I was disappointed.  I had intended this to be more than just a few pre-made objects plonked on a base, some of which look like they're hovering slightly above the ground.

Supply dump.

The original plan would have involved more actual hand-crafting of the supplies and making sure that they had soil and vegetation applied ot blend them into the base.  That said, the ground and the tree were all hand-made, and at the end of the day, it will still come in useful as an objective marker for a game.


  1. I've got to say all of the objectives here are class! Even if they all didn't make the AK47 competition there are some fantastic ideas and evident skill here.

  2. Thank you! It was good to have something to motivate me to try a few new ideas out.
