Saturday 12 February 2022

Barrels from Lego

Following on from my crates, I had often looked at small Lego wheels and thought they'd make nice barrels for 15mm.  Their ribbed appearance reminds me of intermediate bulk containers, something any self-respecting starport or industrial site needs.  They're also a good size, enough to provide complete cover for a 15mm figure standing behind them.

Liquid bulk storage containers.

I chose orange for a couple of reasons: first of all they were cheap (about 1.6 pence each); secondly, I didn't even need to paint a base coat - it was easy to just apply a black ink wash and call them done.  I bought some matching orange single stud circular plates and sanded off the Lego logo to fill the holes in the top.  The 6 pictured are only a small proportion of the number I ordered.  Now I have all the portable liquid bulk storage capacity my starport needs for under £1 and with minimal painting time - super cheap and super fast!

1 comment:

  1. oh you clever monkey!! I am so copying this to my space port
