Thursday 30 May 2024

"Robot War" - Baddies Robots vs Goodies Alien Robots

 Number 2 son spotted my Destroids while I was sorting out some models and demanded the opportunity to use them in a game.  The robots would be the baddies.  I dug out some alien robots that would serve as their adversaries.  "Can we have a city for them to fight in?  That would be gooderer."  I grabbed various boxes and piles of DVDs for the city blocks and we raided my box of toy cars to populate the streets.

Rules were simple.  I grabbed a scrap of foamex about 12"/30cm long to use as a range ruler.  Each robot/alien had 2 actions available in 3 combinations:

  • Double move (whole length of ruler);
  • Fire & move (just under half length of ruler);
  • Fire twice

Firing on a D10 needed a 5+ to hit for 1 range ruler length, 6+ for 2 range ruler lengths, 7+ for 3 lengths etc.  Cover provided by buildings added +1 to target number.  Each robot/alien robot could take 4 damage before being destroyed.  Damage was marked by removing arms/shoulder weapons from alien robots and putting white cube markers by baddie robots.

Alien robot starting position.  Excuse the socks in the background.

Baddie robot starting position.

Baddie robots advance.

Alien robots advance.

Hoping for an opportunity to use that axe.

Baddie robots blast obstacles out of the way.

Targets closing...

Baddie robots destroy another vehicle.

View from the baddie robot side.


Closing for close combat!

Almost on the baddie robots!

Baddie robots open fire on the alien robots.

Close combat starts.

Some alien robots carry ranged weapons too.

Mixing things up in close.

Each side gives as good as it gets.

Baddie robots firepower starts to tell...

Alien robots deal out good damage though.

The city is littered with wreckage.

Casualties mount on both sides.

2 baddie robots left against one alien robot.

The final alien robot goes down.

My collection of civilian vehicles.

The game was fairly speedy, the small number of units on both sides kept things moving quickly and kept the interest of a 5-year-old reasonably well.  A bonus was the fact that he could remove weapons/limbs from the alien robots as he damaged them.  Number 2 son was victorious, 2 of his baddie robots surviving after all my alien robots had been destroyed.

Next up will be our game involving robots and dinosaurs, into which I incorporated some more advanced rules...

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