Saturday 15 April 2023

Spring of Scenery 2023: Part 11 - Mercenaries vs. NAC Marines

 Mercenaries defend a hidden facility.

Doorway & bricks.

These photographs show some close-up detail of the doorways (3D prints), bricks (Linka) and stonework archway (Hirst Arts).

Stone arch and doorway.

NCC Combat Cyborgs with a Claymore support vehicle prepare to assault a mercenary outpost.  This is a Linka building plus a few Fir trees.

Mercenaries ambush an NCC Marine Lancer IFV.  Some Woodland Scenics deciduous trees add some variety to the usual preponderance of Firs.


  1. Loving the vignettes! They're really striking.

  2. Thank you! I had fun putting them together. I'm hoping to get a load of stuff out later this summer to do some bigger photo shoots.
