Tuesday 20 June 2023

Growing trees - Teloxys aristata (Seafoam) part 4

By 16th June, some of the Seafoam is starting to sprout the branching structure that will form my model trees.

A few plants have withered away due to my clumsy re-potting damaging the roots, or possibly because I either a) over-watered them or b) left them in the sun too long...

The reserve plants in the original seed trays are still going strong, too.

Growth is accelerating by 20th June.  The tree structure is really coming on.

More side shoots are starting to appear on some of the other plants.

The reserve plant trays were starting to get a bit too overcrowded and some plants were beginning to wither, so I've planted them out in a few empty spots in the flowerbed.  We'll see how they fare in the wild.

They're a bit bedraggled because I've just planted them.  Hopefully they'll perk up in a day or two!


  1. Somehow just discovered your blog. Great work &
    inspiring terrain posts too! Thanks.
    ~ Tom T

    1. Thank you! Stay tuned for more pictures of plants growing very slowly... actually, there is some more interesting stuff coming soon!

    2. Oh I will stay tuned in! Love watching plants growing slowly. Brilliant idea to grow your own seafoam. Excuse me, need to go put some more Roma tomato seedlings in the ground. You're doing some nice evolving modelling.
      ~ Tom T
