Friday 11 September 2020

2020 Summer of Scenery - Part 5: Teddy-bear Fur Games Mat

Enthused by a few posts on some terrain making groupd on Facebook, I thought I'd have a go at making a teddy-bear fur terrain mat.  Initial outlay was about £10 for 2 metres of fur fabric from a local craft and material shop plus £7 for a hair trimmer from Asda (rather than risk damaging the one used for our own hair).  Further materials to appear in a later instalment include brown acrylic caulk for £1, clear silicon sealant for £2 plus various paints which I already have.

Hair clipper £8 from Asda.

The first task was to decide on the terrain features that I wanted.  I'd seen a nice effect created using clear silicon sealant to create a flowing river that could still be rolled up for storage, so a stream across the mat is one feature I want.

Vehicle and 15mm figure for scale.

I also wanted a road and some smaller pathways (or maybe drainage ditches) through the fields.  These were easily trimmed down to create the initial layout.  The road runs the length of the mat with a couple of side roads to add interest and create strategic junctions which can act as scenario objectives.  A ford across the river can also be a scenario objective.  The roads and tracks will be created using brown acrylic caulk the same as I used on my other games mats.

Reasonable height grass for 15mm figures and still traversable for vehicles.

I've seen a lot of videos where the fur needs to be severely trimmed because it's so long to start with but mine is a pretty good size for what I want with no alteration.  I've just trimmed slightly here and there to give a more undulating level to the grass but it probably didn't even need that.

Trimming the tracks.

Road running L-R, stream will run top to bottom just right of centre.

Road plus footpaths and/or drainage ditches.

Next up will be the painstaking process of painting with a comb...

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