Last year, a games day for our Scouts and Explorer Scouts (10-18 yrs old) provided the opportunity for another play-test of my home-brew rules. It's taken a while to edit the pictures but at last their adventures can be revealed...
5 groups of survivors need to gather supplies in order to escape from the island. Inland is too zombie infested, the only escape route is via boat, but first they need fuel, food plus whatever else they can scavenge.
Without further ado, I'll let the pictures do the talking...
3 groups of survivors inland.
2 groups of survivors at the harbour.
The hunters decide to abandon their camp site.
The ship crew need to fetch some supplies.
The security team want to get to their vehicle without going outside.
Sadly, one of the security team doesn't make the jump!
The ship crew move out.
Jayne obviously isn't used to driving articulated lorries.
Anything in the storage container?
Before the hunters get far from their camp site, zombies close on them.
The hunters ready their weapons!
The chainsaw makes quick work of one.
Before she can regain her feet, the stunned security officer becomes zombie food.
At the harbour, captain Mal also gets chewed on by a zombie.
...and nearby, one of the hunters also succumbs!
As toxins from the zombie bite flood his system, Mal attempts to free the truck.
As it starts to move, the nearest zombie is crushed.
Mal perishes but the truck is free!
The townsfolk try to evade the zombies.
They split up to hunt for supplies.
Blowing up a fuel drum should attract zombies!
Security team survivors get their ride moving.
Jayne goes to town while the hunters run for the boat.
Another survivor appears - a little girl!
The security team smash through the fence, onto the road.
Large numbers of zombies shamble towards the explosion.
Another explosion draws them closer still...
Jayne mows down zombies on his way to town.
His artic squashes the undead with ease.
The hunters resort to small arms instead.
Jayne speeds along the road.
Hunters look for supplies.
The miners are checking out the scrapyard.
There are some intriguing storage containers.
Can the security team evade the zombies?
One of the miners runs for the helicopter.
Another decides to hotwire a nearby low-loader.
Jayne's drive of carnage continues...
...but 3 zombies survive and clamber onto the cab!
Security hurtle towards Jayne's lorry.
The security vehicle and the articulated lorry race towards each other, both drivers distracted by zombies. Surely this must end in tragedy! Or will they notice each other in time?
Tune in to the next exciting episode to find out!
What no flamethrowers? LOL, nice game ...keep um coming!
ReplyDeleteA great mix of models and toy vehicles.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant report mate, love to hear more about the rules you mentioned.