Earlier games of Battletech used my own 'Mechs on both side, but my friend Matthew gradually built up his own collection. He was always an Inner Spheroid at heart, so the Clan 'Mechs were all mine. The Inner Sphere 'Mechs that featured in our Huntress game were mostly his, but a few were either mine or duplicates of mine that he'd particularly enjoyed using and bought himself.
These are all the painted versions of the ones that appeared in our game, with a normal human for scale.
Elementals. I had a Star of Elementals, so 5 Points, each including 5 Elementals, for a total of 25. They were a mix of laser, flamer and machine gun armed. If you can manage a swarm attack with them, they can be deadly, especially against Assault 'Mechs which often find it hard to outrun them. My Elementals have killed an Atlas and a Highlander in the past, and using them as mechanised BattleArmour with OmniMechs can deliver them quickly anywhere on the battlefield. I've also deployed them via Kirghiz heavy OmniFighter in the past, something that can be unexpected for the enemy. They should really be based, but I like being able to remove the individual Elementals as they become casualties.
Laser Elemental Point
Flamer Elemental Point
Machine Gun Elemental Point
Warhawk. I usually stick with the prime version of this Assault OmniMech. 4 ERPPCs tied into a targeting computer will flay huge amounts of armour off the enemy at very long ranges, though even with double heat sinks the Warhawk gets very toasty if you fire all 4 in the same turn! The LRM10 is a bit of an afterthought.
Warhawk (Masakari)
Warhawk (Masakari) |
Marauder IIC. This has to be my favourite second line Clan BattleMech. Adding 10 tons to the original Marauder to bring it into the Assault class at 85 tons, 3 ERPPCs make it a devastating piece of equipment. 4 ER small lasers don't sound much for backup, but each packs as much punch as a standard Inner Sphere medium laser, albeit with a shorter range. It also looks incredibly cool, very sleek and deadly. It was also extremely difficult to build, with lots of small joints requiring multi-stage assembly with every stage carefully supported to let the glue set with the parts in the correct position.
Marauder IIC |
Marauder IIC |
Marauder IIC
Highlander. Always a good option for a Com Guard command 'Mech. That's how I painted mine, anyway, the one that appeared in a game was Matthew's. It follows the same design approach as the Atlas, with the biggest gun they could fit (gauss rifle in this instance), biggest LRM rack (LRM20) and biggest SRM rack (SRM6), with a couple of medium lasers for close defence or when all the gauss/missile ammo has been used up.
Highlander |
Centurion. A good trooper in 3025, though getting a bit long in the tooth by 3060. This isn't the one we used in the game, it's one I picked up in a load of second hand lots I snaffled from eBay back in the early 00's for £1-2 each, before the recent resurgence pushed the prices way up. I think this is the original colour scheme, it's certainly the original base.
Centurion |
Commando. The archetypal Lyran scout 'Mech. I've just 3D printed a couple more of these for my Commonwealth forces. I've always liked the purposeful, no-nonsense look.
Commando |
Caesars. Only one featured in our game, but I have a couple painted now. The gauss rifle makes them an appealing long range sniper, but with some good close in defensive lasers too.
Caesars |
Caesars |
I must have another box of 'Mechs somewhere because I'm missing a lot of my other painted ones. My Highlander IIC, Executioner, Akuma, plus loads of others that didn't appear in the game, including Catapult, at least 3 Trebuchets, Zeus and more.