Tuesday 12 September 2023

Action Force - Q-Force trooper paint test

 Q-Force was the naval operations section of Action Force.  I never had many Q-Force figures, but I've been able to use the comprehensive pictures on the Blood for the Baron web site for details.

I've used some Peter Pig Israeli Defence Force troopers for my Q-Force marines.  The action figure I've based them on comes armed with an AK-47 style assault rifle, so the IDF pack 75 with Galil rifles were a good match.  The headgear doesn't really match, but I don't fancy trying to 3D print or scratch build something this size so it will have to do.

Q-Force operatives generally wore yellow immersion suits with red and/or blue webbing, boots and other accoutrements.  I could have gone for a red or blue helmet, but decided the red worked best.  Though I might still change my mind.  Maybe I'll do both, and the blue can denote a fireteam leader, or just identify different fireteams.

I think the yellow I've ended up with is maybe a little too dark due to the sepia shading wash I used.  I might experiment with my new Vallejo Xpress colour yellow to see if I can get a better, brighter result.  I'm more than happy with the blue and red, so that's a good step forwards.  The blue is GW ultramarine blue with my very old 1980's GW enchanted blue for highlighting.  The red is Army Painter Speedpaint red with some Humbrol matt 60 scarlett highlights.

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