Just a single person to add to the blog this time; a
Rebel Minis civilian contractor.

There was a mould line running down the body, but it cleaned up fairly well, except on the face - fortunately his wide-brimmed hat and gun sight hide the face pretty well! I like these figures, much better than the SWAT team I got from Rebel in the same order. You can actually see what their weapons are supposed to be!

This mercenary is mounted on an M6 washer. Grey undercoat was followed by Humbrol 186 brown trousers, Humbrol 86 light olive for the hat & webbing belt, Humbrol 93 desert yellow for the t-shirt. Trousers received a wash of Vallejo sepia ink and a drybrush of the brown base coat. The green areas had a quick highlight of desert yellow, the t-shirt a highlight of Vallejo bonewhite. Flesh is my own flesh mix, shaded with GW flesh wash. Boots and M16/M4 are Humbrol 33 black, shades are black with GW enchanted blue lenses.
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