Thursday 18 April 2024

AK-47 Republic Checkpoint Competition - part 3 (completion)

 At last, the finished checkpoint!

Everything came together more or less as I hoped.

It's got a few differences from the original plan, mainly due to me overestimating how much I could fit on a CD!

Overall, the changes work well, I particularly like how the white painted rocks have come out to mark the road.

The flower bed is coffee stirrers painted Humbrol 25 matt blue, drybrushed lightly with Vallejo bonewhite to weather it.  A bed of sand and brown tile grout was added for the soil, sealed in place with some watered down PVA. There are some small foam shreds for vegetation and the flower stems are tiny bits of thin guitar string painted green with teensy weensy scraps of red tissue paper superglued on for the flowers.

The flower bed has helped fill what would otherwise have been a fairly empty area on the opposite side of the road.

The barrier is a rather oversized compared to the figures, but it's not too bad.  This was hot glued in place with more sand/grout and static grass to hide the join. The little bits of scatter like the Jerry cans add a bit more interest, too.

A bit of copper electrical wire was soft enough to bend into shape to secure it as a hinge, so I can raise the barrier if desired.  It's a tight fit, so friction holds the barrier in position.

The building has come out particularly well, I think.  This was also hot glued in place with some extra grout/sand/grass to cover the gaps.

A couple of long-leafed plastic plants were hot glued in place on the raised bank around the rim of the CD.  These were really cheap from somewhere online and add to the variety of vegetation.  There are a few green dyed tea leaves scattered around here and there as well.

I tried to position the figures to tell a story.  They are superglued in place, then more grout/sand and a bit of grass to blend them into the groundwork.

"Rest break is over.  Get that rucksack back on and let's move out."

The old enamel sign table looks really good.  Plenty of rust around the edges hides the bits of ink I smudged.  A few little touches of silver complete the weathering.

I'm very happy with the rust roof too, it looks suitably decrepit.

"What the... this thing just ate my money!  Where's my cola?!"

I completed the scene just in time for the AK47 Facebook group checkpoint competition and managed to have the winning entry. This was against some stiff competition, and it has to be said that some of the other entries were completed before I'd got any further than the sketch for mine!  It's always great to see what other people have come up with, all the entries were distinctly different and they've given me some good ideas for other things I can do in the future.  The next competition, ending mid-May, is a river crossing.  I'd better start rummaging in the bits box now to see what I can find...


  1. A very well deserved winner πŸ˜πŸ†

  2. Fantastic work, I realy like what you have done here, so much to see! I love it!

    Greetz Remco

  3. Excellent work with inspired and gorgeous details!

    1. Thank you! I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
