Sunday 21 July 2024

"Robot War" - Combined Arms City Fight

Saturday was the first day of the school summer holidays and another game of "Robot War" was demanded!  I got the Mega Force down from the loft and unrolled the Lidl wargames mat once more.  As well as the unpainted mecha, I pulled in my painted units.  This allowed us to have two combined arms forces facing each other.  My GW "Space Marine" box provided us with 3 complete sets of buildings from the game to form an excellent city through which to fight.  My super-cheap fir trees also put in an appearance to fill in a few gaps.

Number 2 son had the first turn.  He commenced a long-range bombardment from his mecha and inflicted serious damage on my missile mech.

Missile mech under attack.

His attacks on my other mech were less successful.

Light damage on another mech.

His VTOLs and helicopter gunships dished out some punishment to my anti-aircraft mecha, but not enough to take them out of the fight.

Anti-aircraft mecha also under attack.

The volume of return fire hosing from the AA mecha shredded the entire enemy air force.

Enemy air assets neutralised.

Missiles from my heavily damaged mech had limited effect on the enemy tank formations, only 2 hits achieved.

Lead MBTs destroyed.

At this point, I rummaged in my games bag to find the box of Litko "flaming wreckage" markers to add a bit more interest!

Flaming wreckage...

They add a great effect to the battle.

MBTs roll past their stricken comrades.

Return fire against the enemy mecha was almost entirely ineffective, only a single extreme range hit.

Only light damage sustained.

Turn 2.  Number 2 son's missile launchers open fire.  "But they can't see my mecha," I pointed out.  "But they're heat seekers," was the reply, and so they were...

Aaaaargh! Too many missiles!

Boom! Down goes my mech amidst a storm of missile explosions.

Boom!  Mech down!

More fire from his Mecha and tanks peppered one of my anti-aircraft mech with shrapnel.


The other 2 anti-aircraft mecha fared worse, succumbing to a determined bombardment from the enemy tank force.

Goodbye anti-aircraft units...

Number 2 son's tanks were surging forwards past the burning wreckage of their ill-fated companions.

Victorious MBTs surge forwards...

During my second turn, I was able to concentrate tank and Mech fire on one of his, to eventually destroy it.

First enemy mech down.

On the other flank, my missile launchers threw everything they had at the lead enemy mech, peppering it with explosions and eventually destroying it.

Second enemy mech quickly follows.

Turn 3 started with Number 2 son's 3 mecha attempting to continue their long-range duel with my 2 remaining mecha.  The first opted to fire twice, only needing 7s on 8D8.  No luck.

Can't aim straight.

The next fared just as badly.  At extreme range, it was needing 8s to hit... so, so close, but all the shots just grazed past.


5 near misses - so unlucky!

 With my units somehow surviving without further damage, my tank forces were ready to make their move.  First, my flanking force on one side was able to move forwards and engage the main enemy tank formation.

Targets front! Engage at will!

Needing only 6+, I had an exceedingly lucky set of rolls for my 7 MBTs' autocannon.

6 hits!

And in one fell swoop, over half the enemy tank force was destroyed.

One entire wing of the enemy formation is gone.

 On the other flank, I had 2 additional units of MBTs moving between the buildings.  From their vantage point, they could draw a bead on the enemy AA tanks that had deployed ready to defend against my as-yet unlaunched air forces.  3 hits out of 4 shots wiped out all but the enemy command tank.

Piling on the hurt...

...and with that, it was tea-time, and we had to pack everything away.

It was a shame we had to end there, the battle could have gone either way.  Number 2 son had various forces still in play:

A) Anti-aircraft mech
B) Multi-role mech
C) Anti-aircraft mech
D) Missile launchers (now unarmed)
E) MBTs (5 remaining)
F) AA tank (1 remaining)

 I had only 1 mech but a lot more conventional forces:

1) 7 MBTs
2) 3 AA tanks
3) AA Mech
4) 3 VTOLs & 1 helicopter gunship
5) 2 missile launchers (now unarmed)
6) 4 missile launchers (now unarmed)
7) 3 MBTs
8) 3 MBTs

 I've been told that we're having another game soon, so a rematch is definitely coming up!

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