Monday 29 March 2021

New models for Rogue Stars - Part 3: The Prisoner (no, not that one)

From the Alternative Armies HOF139 Penal Legion Prisoners set comes this manacled miscreant who will prove a useful objective in a number of scenarios both sci-fi and modern.

These days, orange seems to be the norm for prisoners but I decided to go old school and use the classic white-with-black-arrows. Not much to say on the paint scheme, it's pretty obvious from looking at him!

AA figures to tend to suffer somewhat from "banana fingers" and this chap is no exception.  A couple of GZG security types accopmany him on the first picture and you can see that he is pretty big compared to them.  Height isn't too much of an issue given how people vary in real life, but his hands do look huge.  Presumably he must have used those meaty fists to get into (or out of) all sorts of scrapes both before and during his time inside.

That said, he's still a nice figure and as always with AA figures, has plenty of character with his angry squint and semi-shaven head!



  1. I hadn't seen these penal fellows before. Cool find. The white makes me think he might be some sort of hospital prisoner......madness, or bio enhanced?

  2. Those fists are almost as big as the guards their heads. Excellent choice for his uniform, very original.
