Rampage Squadron's heroes will be piloting some of my old BattleMechs, excavated from the darkest recesses of the loft. The Commando will be a rocket armed X-1 mecha, with an RPG-5 and an MRL-4. The Commando will also carry a comms package.
Commando |
Two Stingers will be beam and machine gun armed X-1 mecha. Each will be equipped with an MG-5 and either a PL-a beam or a PL-b beam. Stingers will carry Scanning pods.
Stingers |
Stingers |
Two Wasps will be X-1 mecha armed with a beam the same as the Stingers, plus an RPG-5 or an MRL-4. Wasps will also be equipped with ECM suites.
Wasps |
The BattleMechs are suitably large and intimidating compared to the weaker enemy swarms that they will be facing.
Size comparison
I have also printed a few small vehicles to use as either additional scatter scenery (with no actual game effects) or potential objective markers.
Swarm attack!
So far I have 15 enemy mecha painted. All have a basic grey colour scheme with accent colours designating different types. The base colour is a medium grey, a black ink wash for shading, a repeat of the medium grey drybrush and a final light grey drybrush. Panel and accent detail was added as a base colour. Rather than drybrushing (which would show up the print lines), I hand painted the highlights, adding small amounts of white each time. Green accents are swarms, red and blue are elite units. As I print additional types, more colours will be added to the elite units.
Enemy swarms and elites.
Elite units include a Lupus OmniMech printed at 55% original size.
Lupus OmniMech
The Lupus will be a rocket armed elite unit.
Lupus rear view
Another elite is the Thanatos, also printed at 55% original size.
Thanatos |
The Thanatos will be a beam or machine gun armed elite.
Thanatos |
The print lines are more obvious on the grey areas wher I drybrushed rather than hand painting the highlights, but viewing at a tabletop distance they tend to disappear
Thanatos |
My rocket swarm Mecha is the Yeoman, renowned for being little more than a pair of massive box launchers on legs.
Yeoman |
One rocket mecha on its own isn't really a "swarm", but I have more on the way, and it has a few friends below...
Yeoman |
Archers have been printed at only 45% of their original size.
Archers |
The Archers will be machine gun armed mecha.
Archers |
My Jenner IIC 'Mechs are additional rocket mecha to accompany the Yeoman.
Jenners |
Being smaller light 'mechs, they've been printed at 60% original size to keep them in line with the others. I preferred the more dynamic pose of the Clan IIC over the original Inner Sphere design.
Jenners |
The bull of my beam or machine gun swarm mecha will comprise these Wespengift mecha.
Wespengift |
These are not actual BattleTech models, but their non-humanoid
appearance means they look like the ideal foot soldier swarm mecha for
our heroes to gun down in droves. Hopefully.
Wespengift |
The Wespengifts will be beam or machine gun armed as the situation requires, they should be fine in either role - as long as I remember which I've chosen!
Wespengift swarm.
I have another 25 miniature mecha to paint plus some normal sized Locusts that can act as recon mecha for heroes. I also need to check through my various saved files to see if I have any suitable enemy defences I can print out.
At some point, I hope I might actually get to play my first game too - children and work permitting!